Monday, November 20, 2006

What Floats My Boat... 4

Srry bout teh last post it was just leik arrgh i gotta fracking chapel! IM not even fracking christen and this school is leik you ARE!!!! fracking christians except andrew hehe rememeber WFMB (What Floats MY Boat) no. 2. I was leik any one gives my man andrew shit (xept me lol) and ill fracking cut them. When back to cristianity, it doesnt make fracking sense (not dissn you christens out there) their laws and shit are leik; dont steel, dont fracking kill, dont do ya mum, but then they leik kill each other, steel from each other, and im on a website and then some random christen incest pop up comes on! but then again most fracking games come from christen, and I do leik my mans andrews sect evangelist (DEATHS ANGELS, ROAR!!!!)

Well Todals!

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