Thursday, November 16, 2006

What Floats My Boat... 2

Trying to get on to this fracking site is leik trying to crack the fracking vaults of FUCKING FORT KNOX!!!! i was leik what the hell is my account name and password and the computer is all leik, im sry Hugh i can t let you leik do that so i smack the piece of shit mac around a little. im sitting here next to ma man andrew, hes black AND ASIAN! LOL na hes just asian lol, his parents were leik born in vietnam but hes acctually an aussie so give him shit, ill come to your house and fucking cut you...

He is leik the biggest comp wizz of fracking all time and i think if he humped a comp for long enough a fracking laptop would spurt out the thing. lol, so im sitting here next to him and hes leik doing work or some shit and suddenly his dad leik just, appears at window, knocs and glides away. Christ he scared me shitless, cause he face was just leik... im going to kill you, your family and everone you know. But Andrews just leik k go to his dad leik he is just some fraking kindertgarden teacher.

Well, i gotta go but ill see you peeps round...


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