Monday, November 20, 2006

What Floats My Boat... 4

Srry bout teh last post it was just leik arrgh i gotta fracking chapel! IM not even fracking christen and this school is leik you ARE!!!! fracking christians except andrew hehe rememeber WFMB (What Floats MY Boat) no. 2. I was leik any one gives my man andrew shit (xept me lol) and ill fracking cut them. When back to cristianity, it doesnt make fracking sense (not dissn you christens out there) their laws and shit are leik; dont steel, dont fracking kill, dont do ya mum, but then they leik kill each other, steel from each other, and im on a website and then some random christen incest pop up comes on! but then again most fracking games come from christen, and I do leik my mans andrews sect evangelist (DEATHS ANGELS, ROAR!!!!)

Well Todals!

What floats my boat... 3

Halo! just poppin in for a tick to say... FRACKING CHANNEL 9 PIECE OF CRAP DIE IN A FRACKING HOLE!


Thursday, November 16, 2006

What Floats My Boat... 2

Trying to get on to this fracking site is leik trying to crack the fracking vaults of FUCKING FORT KNOX!!!! i was leik what the hell is my account name and password and the computer is all leik, im sry Hugh i can t let you leik do that so i smack the piece of shit mac around a little. im sitting here next to ma man andrew, hes black AND ASIAN! LOL na hes just asian lol, his parents were leik born in vietnam but hes acctually an aussie so give him shit, ill come to your house and fucking cut you...

He is leik the biggest comp wizz of fracking all time and i think if he humped a comp for long enough a fracking laptop would spurt out the thing. lol, so im sitting here next to him and hes leik doing work or some shit and suddenly his dad leik just, appears at window, knocs and glides away. Christ he scared me shitless, cause he face was just leik... im going to kill you, your family and everone you know. But Andrews just leik k go to his dad leik he is just some fraking kindertgarden teacher.

Well, i gotta go but ill see you peeps round...


What floats my boat

You know what really floats my boat, DOW, it in a word is Awesome! with all the laser guns and lass connons and wtfomgbbqpwnage! ZOMMAGOD LAZER GUNS. peaw! peaw! peaw! And then this freaky ass freak show of a noob comes along and he's like, "can I play?" and im like stfu noobcakes! if you even know how to click a mouse I advise you to go to the noob servers this is where the leet peoples play @ you will get pwned here. So i played him ONCE! amnd he was like ARGH!!!! i have a freaking (i.e. he was a noob because he didn't say frak, he seriously said freaking, fracking noobs) BLOODTHIRSTER! so I was leik k time 2 di nOObszor. So I get this freaky ass force commander and I smack up his daemonb and hes leik no way! as if you can beat my daemon and im leik you suck dipshit its a fracking FC he owns daemons. So his daemon dead I have 2 sqds of terms in his base and 3 preds so hes fracked and he does the noobest things possibvle... he logs out..........